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Fani Segerman; Mother Of Cape Town's Fantastic Family

In the Words of Elektra Abundance, ‘You Think I just woke up one day and poof; I looked like this? No. It takes work, drive, sacrifice to be a woman.’ – POSE, Season 1: Mother’s Day

The heart which gave life to The Fantastic Agency is the same heart I have had the privilege to have been graced by two years ago and in the space of the two years which have since passed, Fani Segerman birthed The Fantastic Agency.

I look too good not to be seen.

The inclusive model and talent agency destabilizes titles, labels, boxes, brands, and binaries seen in an industry dominated by rigid beauty standards. The Fantastic Agency is an honest platform that represents a fluid and diverse stream of models as the Agency authentically provides Cape Town's ‘unconventional' models employment within an exclusive and rather lucrative industry.

Fani holds a deep knowledge of the industry with over 10 years of experience in navigating the industry as a femme bodied individual and having joined her first agency at the age of 17. In this time leading up to the Fantastic Agency, she saw and experienced firsthand how many of the industry's models are exploited, abused and dehumanized easily as the practice of ‘modeling' is considerably gendered and hypersexualized through reproductive performances of femininity and masculinity. Fani had noticed that anything outside of this binary would be seen as deviant of industry standards as she paid witness to the number of Cape Town’s ‘conventional’ models commit to the scrutiny of hard bodily labor in an uncontracted nature. And in destabilizing this exploitive nature within the industry, the brainchild came about through an inclusive modeling agency to which was to Fani’s interjection as she came to turn about the industry’s narrative. Presently, The Fantastic operates as an Agency that employs 'unconventional' models in a contracted nature to ensure that their models are given full agency over their bodies, personal identity and working times.

It was a black and white world back then. Now, look at me while I make glitter rain.  

The vision and ethos of the Fantastic Agency is the creation of a platform for unconventional models to come together as a flourishing family, a family structure within the modelling industry which works to break the binaries moulded deeply within the normative industry which forces an ‘us’ and ‘them’ power dynamic between management and the models themselves. However, The Fantastic Agency emphasizes and promotes a redefined mindset for their models to work for themselves before they work for anyone else, and Fani couldn’t stress this enough. I really noticed that when speaking to Fani, she truly speaks from the heart in saying that the agency is really not about her. She explained to me how the Agency represents their numerous models' true essences, ensuring that they can see themselves for the fierce models they’ve always been. With Fani saying “the Fantastic has and always will be a safe space for the many children of the family”, existing within a world of gendered performance and politics around who is or can be employable as a model.

The Fantastic Agency itself is to be given important jurisdiction within the current industry as the agency devotedly employs around 200 ‘unconventional’ models as per the current books. As far as inclusive representation goes within the current Cape Town modeling scene and it is at this very point of concern that The Fantastic Agency can be seen representing and too, providing employment for every day, queer, atypical and in-between model within an industry which holds no room nor provides any space for unconventional models to be employed. 

It was made very clear to me by Fani that in the Fantastic Agency; you aren’t employed as a model on the sole basis of your physical appearance as the Agency holds no standards attained to one's race, class, gender, sexuality, presentation, bodily type and, hair, weight, and height. The Fantastic Models know themselves and to know they do not need to conform to or seek any validation from the world outside of the Agency's doors in order to be seen as an 'employable' or 'employed' model within the industry.

The nature of Fani’s morals and ethics echoes her recognition and understanding that the Fantastic models are more than just faces and bodies as the Fantastic agency actively employs their models based on their beautiful personalities wholeheartedly. After a glass of water, Fani explained to me her thoughts on employment which she expressed as “so much more than just paying someone”. She then explained her role within the agency to me in accordance with her bio found on her personal Instagram account which truthfully reads; Mother of the Fantastic Agency.


I remembered one of Fani’s Instagram stories I had read a while back on her personal Instagram account sometime this year, it was a letter she had written to herself in 7 years ago titled ‘The Rules’. After reading this again I immediately messaged Fani and was permitted to use the Rules in writing about how The Fantastic Agency operates by creating employment for 'atypical' models, who by being employed through the Fantastic Agency and with Fani’s further support are given guidance in navigating an incredibly elusive and exploitative modeling industry.

When Fani and I met a few days ago, she drew kindred inspiration and spirit from the queer television series POSE as she positioned herself as Mother of The House of Fantastic and the many models as her children. She said to me that the agency is a house and not your everyday agency. For Fani, she embodies a House Mother who is affirming, caring, loyal and inspiring towards every single model employed through the Fantastic Agency. As I looked at the models’ portfolios on the agency’s website and then further included the agency’s social media pages, it became obvious to me how Fani’s Rules has remained consistent through The Fantastic Agency.  Fani's models are given full agency through pose and poise in front of the lens. And, when agents look to cast and book any of the agency’s models as per their employment contract, the Fani ensures they are able to navigate the harsh world beyond the agency’s doors with the ethics and morals rooted in The House Rules of The Fantastic.

It is then safe to say that The Fantastic Agency continues to cast a  revealing light onto Cape Town’s many modeling agencies as the Fantastic Family makes the Fantastic more than just a modeling agency.

You can't shade something that's shining so bright.

The House Rules of The Fantastic;

1. I come first.

2. My feelings are very important.

3. I trust my instincts.

4. I make the rules.

5. I have a right to say what I feel.

6. I have a right to be heard.

7. I will not accept anything but love and respect from those I choose to have in my life.

8. I deserve honesty.

9. I am worth more than this.

10. I don’t waste my time on people/situations that hurt me.

11. I am amazing and welcome amazing people into my life.


A house where I can express who I am. Come Judge For Me Anna Wintour.
    Mzwa - The Fantastic In House Stylist.


    Words: Ya'eesh Collins

    Photography: Ya’eesh Collins (Portfolio)

    Mother/Model: Fani Segerman (Instagram) 
